Guided Walks Overview

I am now offering guided walks covering a range of distances to suit the capabilities of all walking enthusiasts.

Short walks 3-5 miles 

These are gentle paced walks which are ideal for those who are new to walking and want to gradually build confidence and fitness or are recovering from injury or illness.  These short walks are a great opportunity to explore the local network of public rights of way and meet other local walkers. 

These walks could include an element of walking to observe nature or to visit points of interest. There will be a small amount of ascent / descent on these walks 

Medium walks 6-9 miles

For those who are confident and fit walkers.  These walks are a great opportunity to explore a network of public rights of way and walk in different lowland environments.

There will be ascents / descents on these walks 

Long Walks 10-15 miles

For those who are experienced, fit walkers.  These walks will follow public rights of way in different lowland environments.

There will be a number of ascents / descents on these walks

Challenge Walks 16-24 miles

For those who are experienced, fit walkers who are seeking that extra challenge of tackling a long distance walk.  These walks follow public rights of way in different lowland environments.

The emphasis of the walk could include an element of walking to observe nature or to visit points of interest. There will be a number of ascents / descents on these walks some of which might be challenging.

Bespoke Guided Walks

These walks are for individuals and small groups who want to tackle a walk, but do not feel confident walking on their own and want someone to guide them.  Walks can vary in length to suit the requirements of the individual or group.  

For more details on bespoke walks please contact.


Most of my walks are dog free.  However, some of the short and medium length walks may allow dogs. The details for each walk will specify if dogs are allowed.


Prior to each walk an equipment list will be sent to participants.  It is your responsibility to ensure you have the appropriate equipment.  If you arrive at a walk and are not appropriately equipped or have insufficient water / food for the walk you will not be allowed to join the walk.

Health Declaration

Prior to commencing each walk participants must complete a health declaration form and provide details of an emergency contact.

Safety Notice

Walking in Lowland areas carries an element of risk, prior to a walk Walking Moonraker undertakes a full risk assessment to identify and mitigate potential risks. Each walk will be led by a competent leader who has achieved the Mountain Training Association Lowland Leader qualification and Outdoor First Aid certificate, but accidents can happen.  Walking, and hill walking in particular, is an activity which carries with it a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should carefully consider this aspect of their involvement before going out on walks. Walking Moonraker has appropriate public liability insurance for all its walks. However participants may wish to obtain their own additional personal insurance and cancellation insurance.

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